Dealing with stress & anxiety

Helping to deal with stress & anxiety

In today’s society many of us live with a huge amount of stress, sometimes without even realising that we are suffering from it. This is simply down to the fact that we have become accustomed to living with pressure due to the demands and responsibilities that are placed upon us. Research has shown that one in seven people in the UK suffer from stress and anxiety at some point in their lives. Many clients that attend hypnotherapy will be suffering from some form of stress or anxiety.

Suffering from stress is our body’s natural reaction to fear and change

Unfortunately, we have little time or understanding of how to relax and cannot run from a situation without creating a more serious set of circumstances. There will be some people who suffer with stress that they can identify while others will have a continual sense of anxiety. Feelings of stress stem from any situation in which we feel frustrated, angry or anxious whereas feelings of anxiety stem from a sense of uneasiness or fear in which the cause is not always identifiable.

Anxiety and stress can manifest itself differently for everyone. Those suffering from stress can be affected both mentally and physically, resulting in depression, acute anxiety or an inability to concentrate along with insomnia or sexual dysfunction. Anxiety can make a significant impact on the quality of our life and wellbeing and can include symptoms such as trembling, nausea, heart palpitations, diarrhoea, chest tightness and back ache.

You are most likely consciously aware of the trigger to your stress or anxiety and have attempted to overcome the cause, but have not been successful due to your instinctive reactions remaining the same. Hypnotherapy can help as it deals with the unconscious part of your mind, the area where your instinctive functions and reactions are controlled. I will be able to gauge the level of your anxiety and identify where the stress or anxiety stems from. Whether it is a past experience, physical issue, a situation or a relationship, I will help you to change your perception of these and assist you in understanding your potential to break free of negative thought patterns and to respond more positively to situations in your life.

Contact Danny at DC Therapy, wootton Fields.

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