Our advice


I have been asked numerous times, “Does Hypnotism work” or “Does it work with everyone”. The answer is yes, to both of these questions as long as the individual wishes to be and has the ability to concentrate. This is why hypnosis may not be suitable for very young children or individuals with certain mental health disabilities.

It is normally the case that with those individuals that are adamant that they cannot be hypnotised have a deeply embedded need for control and believe that if they allow themselves to be hypnotised they will be giving up control, thus not allowing them to relax sufficiently to enter the hypnotic trance. There are no physical reasons as to why some people cannot be hypnotised. However, there maybe psychological insecurities with some individuals who are more defiant in entering the hypnotic trance due to them being unable to relax enough. It is important to note that a hypnotherapist cannot force you into the hypnotic trance against your will. Throughout the hypnotic state you are never unconscious and will always be in control of both your mind and body.

Depending on what the issue is and your motivation to want to change will depend on the number of sessions that maybe required. Generally, your hypnotherapy sessions will normally be weekly or fortnightly and be between 4-6 sessions, but occasionally more or less. To quit smoking that is usually a one off 90 minute session. During your therapy there will be the opportunity for us to review progress made and for you to make a decision on whether hypnotherapy is right for you. You are not obligated in any way to continue with hypnotherapy and are free to terminate any and all sessions at any time.

Contact Danny at DC Therapy, wootton Fields.

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